Safety Is For Your Protection!

In regards of learning about all my classmates’ presentation of Fair User Practice and Copyrights Issues, Pharming and Phishing, Cyber Bullying, and Digital Safety and Privacy, I would put it into matter of teaching students about the importance of these topics for them to be informed, and help them make the right decision. According to Pew Research Center's, Internet and Technology (2015), an article by Amanda Lenhart, a senior research specialist stated in the topics of teenage usage of their technologies “24% of teens go online “almost constantly,” facilitated by the widespread availability of smartphones. Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily, including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly.” Therefore, as a potential future educator, I must keep in mind of the various situations that students will be at risk when using social media or technology. It is something that should be put into consideration of the importance of potential risks for teenagers and their safety because we never know what they see on their screens.

As of my response to all of the presentations of  my classmates in regards of digital safety, the one that interested me the most was Fair User Practice and Copyrights Issues because I have a difficult time of referencing or giving credit to something I borrow from someone. They included a lot of information into their presentation, but the one thing I would change is their presentation tool. Their presentation tool was google slides and the fact that we had a large variety of tools to choose from did not make it eye catching.

Creating a lesson plan of being safe on the internet, I would include the various tools that I have been aware of such as Canva, Emaze, and Wix which are a few of my favorite presentation tools. I would like to create a video using Animoto to create a Public Safety Announcement of any of the topics. I think it captures the attention of students when it comes to videos instead of lectures. Also, what would be more fun and entertaining is if students were to create their own video project as a Public Safety Announcement. It would benefit them because of the research they need to include in their video, and they will become more aware of what and how other age groups go through when it comes to the dangers of the digital world.
According to an online resource Discovery Education (2015), “As a teacher, it’s important to make digital safety a priority in your classroom and ensure that your students know how to act safely, responsibly, and thoughtfully online.” This comes to show that future educators absolutely play a vital role when it comes to teaching them the importance of online safety in relation to all the topics discussed by my classmates and Dr.Cyrus.
The conferencing tool that my group has used to discuss our topic on Digital Safety and Privacy was on Whatsapp. It made it very accessible for everyone because it gave each and everyone a faster response, and it was much more beneficial than using Google Hangouts. I, for instance do not own a laptop or computer to access to Google Hangouts which made it difficult for me to communicate with my group members. Also, Whatsapp made it easy to plan our meetings to practice for our presentation. I believe that it is the most useful tool when it comes to having groups for school to communicate with each other.
Discovery Education. (2015). Digital Safety Program. [Web] Retrieved from

Lenhart, A. (2015).Internet and Technology. Teens, Social Media and Technology

Overview 2015. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Ms. Pere:
    Nicely written, but your 2 GIFs have nothing to do with the content of your essay.



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